2023 Year In Review

Image Descriptions:
Slide 1:
The title “2023 Year in Review” is at the top of the image with the Gender Justice Logo in the upper right corner. Below the title is a collage of various images of people, across the gender and race spectrum, wearing Gender Justice Fund t-shirts against a blue-green background.
Slide 2:
Against an orange background at the top of the slide is the text “450,000 in grants awarded to 36 grantees”.
On the bottom 2/3 of the slide are two pie charts in varying shades of teal with text reads: “75% of grant dollars went to groups with female, trans, or GNC leaders. 54% of grant dollars went to groups with BIPOC leaders”.
Slide 3:
The title “Systems Change Grant Program” is at the top in white against a teal background. Below against a lighter teal background is the text: “Systems Change grantees are working towards gender justice through policy, advocacy, or community organizing. Big Wins for our grantees in 2023 included the passage of the Dignity Act and the end of state funding for the anti-abortion entity Real Alternatives.”
Below the text are screenshots of headlines from the Philadelphia Inquirer detailing the victories mentioned above.
Slide 4:
The title “Culture Change Grant Program” is at the top in white against a green background. Below against a lighter teal background is the text: “Culture Change grantees provide comprehensive, inclusive, consent-based sex education to youth and adults working with youth in Philadelphia. Our grantees provided over 350 workshops to over 4,300 youth and adults.”
Below that are three photos of participants in GJF’s photobooth at the 2023 ConsentFest, an annual event put on by GJF grantee Your Empowered Sexuality (YES!). Each participant is holding a poster, the posters read “No doesn’t mean convince me”, “Kids can say not to hugs, it’s not rude” and “Teach your sons about consent”.
Slide 5:
The title “Trans Resilience Fund” is at the top in white against a deep teal background. Below against a lighter teal background is the text: “Trans Resilience Fund Grantees provide direct support, programs, and advocacy for the trans communities in the Philadelphia region.”
Below are two pie charts in varying shades of teal with text that reads: “60% of grant dollars were used for direct support to TGNC individuals. 64% of grants went to TGNC-led organizations.”
Below that is a picture from the 2023 Trans March by Joe Piette, used under Creative Commons license.
Slide 6:
This final slide is primarily text and reads:
Funding Partners:
Claneil Foundation
Collective Future Fund
Delaware Valley Legacy Fund
Oak Foundation
Samuel Fels Fund
Valentine Foundation
William Penn Foundation
Our Board and Staff
Farrah Parkes, Executive Director
Kabria Rogers, Grants and Operations Associate
Elizabeth Diffley, Treasurer
Brennan Tomasetti
Jane Napoli
Jess Pastore, Secretary
Jocelyn Arnold
Kendra Hypolite
Kris Smith
Shawn Towey
Sherella Williams, Chair
Vashti Bledsoe, Vice Chair